Gets a Haircut: New look, same great writing

OK, so it’s not technically a haircut, but the site has been trimmed. I hope you like the new style, and I think you will.

Gone is the clunky, outdated Microsoft Frontpage Web site. In its place is a snazzy new blog format.

The rationale is simple.

I originally designed the site to keep the articles, columns and blog posts separate. My intention was to keep things from getting complicated, but in reality, the navigation structure had the opposite effect. As time went on, I realized there was no clear cut line between what merited “article,” “column,” or “blog post,” status. I wasted time creating an individual page for each article and column and linking to it from the respective contents pages.

The refreshed designed uses blogging technology to simplify everything.

  • I get to focus on writing without worrying about Web design. I write the post, categorize it appropriately and voila, the new post is available.
  • You, the reader, don’t have to navigate to different sites to find content. It’s all centralized and easily searchable by date or category.
  • We get to interact. Every post is now open to comments. Previously, articles and columns on were static pages, but now you can free to comment on anything and everything I write. Agree, disagree, ask questions. The beauty of the Internet is its ability to allow the free sharing of ideas. If you’re here reading my views, I welcome yours. Just keep your comments civil and mature and we won’t have to get into a complicated list of rules.

All of the content from the original site has been carried over. So don’t worry, your favorite podcasts and columns are still accessible through the archives. And new content will automatically show up at the top of the page when it’s added.

Thanks for stopping by I hope you’ll check back regularly for updates and get involved in the comments section.

For more information, visit

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