30 at 30 Lists #30: Looking 40rward: What I’m taking with me into the next decade of life

In honor of me turning 30, I’m compiling 30 different top-30 lists on a wide variety of topics ranging from trivial interests of mine to meaningful life moments. Read the introductory post for more background information on my 30 at 30 project. Reminder: there is no scientific rationale for these lists. They were composed by a panel of one—me.

When I began this project a little over a decade ago, I was still a twentysomething. As I put the finishing touches on this 30th and final list I am one day away from turning 40. I’ve lived a lot of life this decade. I’ve experienced some profoundly joyful highs and some deeply painful lows. For my final list, I’d like to take some of what I’ve learned over the past decade and look forward (or “40rward” because I am licensed to make dad jokes like that) to the decade ahead. Here’s what I’m taking with me into the next decade of life:

30. Acceptance that not every goal will be achieved
Ten years ago, I made a list of 30 Things I Want to Do in My 30s. There are several things I have not yet crossed off on that list. Some of them remain life goals. Others, I feel OK to leave them unaccomplished. I think I knew it was a lofty list when I first wrote it, and I’m proud to say I accomplished a lot of the things listed there and grew in numerous ways in areas related to the goals I dreamed up a decade ago.

29. Concern about wasting too much time scrolling on my phone
Addiction feels too strong here, but I am guilty of overuse. I don’t know if I will be able to kick the mindless scrolling habit the way I did biting my nails last decade, but it is something I want to work on.

28. A few more aches and pains than I care to carry with me
I need to be better about preventative health in my 40s. Developing a daily stretching routine is one idea I am hoping to implement. I’ve been blessed never to need surgery through 40 years of life. Still, I don’t want to take my health for granted and coast on the merits of having pretty good genetics.

27. Intrigue about the future of AI
I was talking with my students about ChatGPT in class the other day. We talked about how this feels like an earthquake moment shaking up the education industry. The rise of artificial intelligence is compelling educators to rethink the way they teach and assess writing. I think it’s a great opportunity to rethink a lot of what we do in education that is rooted in outdated practices. My hope is that the education community will find ways to shift to a model of schooling that promotes student learning rather than a box-checking “doing school” model that turns so many young people from curious, question-asking would-be learners into compliant, zombie-like task-completers.

26. Questions about my next chapter of physical fitness
I haven’t had a gym membership since we dropped our family YMCA membership during COVID. I haven’t been a regular runner since about that time, too. Up until about a year or so ago I was playing basketball on a weekly basis, but that group lost access to a court and then lost touch with one another. So I need to make a move and make a plan to exercise consistently.

Continue reading 30 at 30 Lists #30: Looking 40rward: What I’m taking with me into the next decade of life

Matt’s Mix 200: September

I turn 40 on Saturday, so as the calendar turns to September I am feeling reflective.

One of my favorite storytelling devices is the mix CD (AKA playlist for you young folx). I’ve been making mix CDs, affectionately dubbed “Matt’s Mixes” for about a quarter century now. In August 2004, starting with Matt’s Mixes 68-70, a 3-disc set I titled August ’04 and Everything After, I became more intentional about giving each mix a title and often a theme or connective thread to go along with cover art.

Continue reading Matt’s Mix 200: September